Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus

Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus
Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus, eMalahleni Campus

Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus, Welcome to the eMalahleni (previously known as Witbank) campus where every student counts.
Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus, Academically, the eMalahleni campus has vibrant faculties with programmes developed with the assistance of government, commerce and industry. These programmes are: Human Resources Management, Office Management and Technology, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus, Our campus offers a range of support services to assist students to complete their studies on time. The campus is also home to a number of social activities meant to assist our students grow holistically. The Mabaleng Residence add to this socialisation.
Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus, Come and join the TUT eMalahleni campus and open your life to endless possibilities.
Faculties (Contacts) |
Support Services (Contacts) |
Helpful Links |
- Faculty of Economics and Finance
- Faculty of Engineering and the Built
Environment: Department of
Electrical Engineering
- Faculty Information and
Communication Technology
- Faculty of Management Sciences
- Faculty of Humanities
- Financial Aid
- Directorate of Operators
- ICT Services
- Student Life and Governance (SRC)
- Academic Administration
- Finance: Revenue Section
- Library and Information Services
- Student Development and Support
(Student mentors and SRC)
- Sports and Recreation
- General Information
- Campus Directions
- Campus Responsible Officials
- Mabaleng ResidenceContact Us
Tel: 013 653 3100
Fax: 013 653 3101
email: admissionem@tut.ac.za
Other Contacts
Prof T I Pudi
Campus Director
Tel: 013 653 3108
Fax: 013 653 3164
Neo Sibanyoni
Tel: 013 653 3107
Fax: 013 653 3164
email: sibanyoninj@tut.ac.za
Thomas Mnisi
Mabaleng Residence
Tel: 013 656 4893
email: mnisitm@tut.ac.za |
Junior Tshabangu
Tel: 012 382 5841
email: tshabangunj@tut.ac.zaCollen Nhlanhla Xaba
Human Resource and Transformation
Tel: 013 653 3189
email: xabanc@tut.ac.za
Hester Schoeman
Tel: 013 382 3105
email: schoemanhm@tut.ac.za |
Ruth Senkoto
Financial Aid Services
Tel: 013 653 3111
email: senkotor@tut.ac.zaMinckey Molemane
Admission and Registration
Tel: 013 653 3104
email: molemanem@tut.ac.zaYolandi Jansen
Admission and Registration
Tel: 013 382 3198
email: janseny@tut.ac.za |
Tshwane University Of Technology Emalahleni Campus